
This is a final activity that will be carried out after the completion of all other project activities, and will start with the selection of an auditor and will end within 1 month after the expiration of the grant agreement. The auditor will verify and analyze the management of financial resources and keeping proper records in the implementation of the grant agreement. The request for final payment will be accompanied by an External Audit Report (according to the model of the PO) of the accounting documentation for the project, prepared by a registered auditor. He will check whether the costs declared by the Municipality of Shumen are actually made and paid, accurate and eligible in accordance with the contract and will certify the costs. For this purpose, the management of the Municipality of Shumen will provide full access to the accounting documentation. The purpose of the audit is to verify that the costs declared in the implementation of the project have been incurred in a lawful and appropriate manner, in accordance with the provisions of the grant agreements and in accordance with the applicable European and national legislation. An external audit report prepared by a registered auditor is attached to the request for final payment. The financial statements will have to be accompanied by the documentation required by the General Terms and Conditions. Copies of publications, materials (written and / or audiovisual, etc.) proving the implementation of each specific activity described in the report will be attached to the reports. In preparing the relevant reports on the implementation of the Project, all conditions for eligibility of costs will be met, according to Chapter 7 of the Regulation. The final report will contain complete information on all aspects of the implementation of the project activities. The financial audit will be performed by a registered auditor in compliance with Chapter Two - Purpose and principles of the independent financial audit and Art. 7 of the Independent Financial Audit Act.